We’ve been homeschooling for 11+ years now (although, we are definitely not experts) & along the way we’ve had many discussions with other hopefuls who want the scoop on how to get started & what is required. Since there is rapid growth in the homeschooling community nationwide, I thought I’d share some of our tips on how to get started. It seems that it may be especially of interest to those of us in the homesteading community.


So here is a simple list of what to consider first:

  1. Check homeschooling laws in your state ~ homeschool laws are governed by the state & vary considerably
  2. Check out & consider joining HSLDA – Home School Legal Defense Association a “nonprofit ministry to defend and advance the constitutional right of parents to direct the education of their children and to protect family freedoms” ~ they are a wealth of information & have been so helpful in providing information about individual state laws, how to homeschool through high school, & so much more
  3. Find local homeschool organizations ~ they can help keep you plugged in & up to date on local activities & laws (I have found social media to be a HUGE benefit in keeping up with local activities, changes in laws, local group classes offered, etc.)
  4. Research homeschooling approaches (methods) ~ choose what may work best for your family (keeping in mind that you may change to a different approach at a later time) Here’s a brief description of the 5 approaches listed below: Five Homeschooling Styles
    1. Charlotte Mason
    2. Classical
    3. Traditional
    4. Unit Studies
    5. Unschooling
  5. Choose a curriculum ~ There are so many to choose from, so once you narrow down an approach, choosing a curriculum may be easier. Talk to other homeschoolers to get input. (Keep in mind that it’s ok to tweak – & continue to tweak – over the years what works better for your children. When you choose a curriculum, it’s NOT a final decision forever for your family. You may even decide half way into your first school year that the one you chose is not working for you. THAT’S OK!! So, maybe choose inexpensively until you get a grasp on what you need.)
  6. Don’t stress! Just begin. ~ As you homeschool, you will learn what you like or dislike, what your children like, dislike, need or don’t need. The beauty of homeschooling is freedom in so many aspects. You have the freedom to adjust any & all choices along the way. What works for one child, may or may not work (& most likely won’t) for another & that’s perfectly normal. You will learn immensely about how your child learns & you will continually refine your methods throughout your homeschool years.

For those on this homeschooling journey with us, do you have any tips to add? We’d love to hear your feedback! For those contemplating the move to homeschool, we’d love to help answer any questions you may have. Homeschooling has become a passion here at RTH & we LOVE to talk all things homeschooling!!
